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What security mechanisms are in place on SymphoniePRO?

NRG’s renewable energy market focus means we understand the importance of data integrity and security as well as anyone. SymphoniePRO has several layers of security to keep your data safe. The first is a logger access PIN, which, when enabled, prevents an unauthorized user from using the logger keypad or logging in remotely. SymphoniePRO also maintains an event log that records and timestamps logger access events. A second security measure is an advanced data encryption scheme. When enabled, all data are stored in encrypted .RLD files and cannot be read without the encryption password.

During transmission of data, SymphoniePRO’s MetLink protocol includes an authentication step as part of the communication process to verify both the hardware and software are authentic, NRG OEM products.


Download Calibration Reports

Our Calibration Report Retriever Tool is a comprehensive database of reports for the following products:

NRG Anemometers
110S Temperature Sensor
200M Wind Vane
200P Wind Vane
BP20 Barometric Pressure Sensor
BP60 + BP60C Barometric Pressure Sensor
HybridMC Anemometer + Vane
HybridXT Anemometer + Vane
PVT1 PV Temperature Sensor
T60 + T60C Temperature Sensor
R1 Pyranometer
R2 Pyranometer
RH5X Relative Humidity Sensor
Thies First Class Advanced Anemometer
WindSensor P2546-OPR Anemometer

Tech Support

Whether you are troubleshooting in the field or learning how to install a product, we are here for you.