We may be a global company, but we’re dedicated to supporting our local community too.
We know that participating in the towns where we live and work is key to building a better business and world. From paid time off for volunteering to year-round food drives, we encourage employees to get involved—both on and off the job.
At our headquarters in Hinesburg, Vermont, we organize community-based activities throughout the year. We collect donations for the Hinesburg Food Shelf. We run an annual (and always creative) United Way campaign. We welcome the Red Cross bus to campus for several blood drives each year. Our employees even leap into ice-cold Lake Champlain for the Special Olympics’ Penguin Plunge.
Alongside company-organized activities, we offer staff members eight hours of paid volunteer time each year. We recognize that the good work they do matters.
NRG Systems has had a strong philanthropic focus for the past two decades. Our parent company, ESCO Technologies, shares our commitment to helping communities in need and has established the ESCO Foundation to recognize and support 501(c)3 organizations across all of their subsidiaries. With this enhanced resource, NRG Systems continues to look for opportunities to help. The following areas remain our focus:
- Environmental Stewardship, Renewable Energy, Sustainable Practices
We support nonprofit civic and environmental organizations dedicated to improving the health and safety of our planet. This support is based on the same conviction that led to our company's founding - the urgent need to provide for a sustainable energy future. Our giving is focused primarily in Vermont, but proposals from nonprofit organizations outside the state will be considered if they offer opportunities for regional or national impact. - The People of Vermont
We support nonprofits that directly serve Vermont communities by promoting education in the sciences for young children, strengthening STEM progress, improving health and human services, environmental quality, and economic development. We want our home state to be a better place in which to live, work, and raise families, as well as an example of sustainable possibilities. We are committed first to supporting neighbors in towns close to our Hinesburg headquarters, but we will also consider proposals with statewide Vermont impact.
How to Apply for Corporate Grants or Sponsorships
We accept proposals from nonprofit organizations only. To learn more about our funding priorities and application process, please contact Patti Harvey, Director of Human Resources, at or +1 802-482-2255. If you are considering a possible funding request, please call first to discuss project details before submitting a proposal. Funding requests are reviewed every 1-2 months.