What file exports are available with SymphoniePRO? In addition to wind, solar, and other meteorological data, what sort of diagnostic information is available regarding logger health, significant events, and communications?
The SymphoniePRO Desktop Application will allow you to export any one of four types of files for a given date range for a particular site, or export all of the data at once. SymphoniePRO Desktop also provides status reporting during live connections to the logger. This includes things like the number of files created, percentage of memory used on the logger, and number of bytes free in logger memory.
- Measurements: This is what you traditionally think of as the data coming from the logger – meteorological data.
- Diagnostic: Contains the logger D-cell battery voltage (avg, min, & max), iPack 12V battery voltage (avg, min, & max), internal circuit board temperature (avg), 12V excitation current (avg, min, & max), and 5V excitation current (avg, min, & max). These data are useful for understanding the long-term performance of the logger’s power system.
- Events: SymphoniePRO logs all types of events and records them in the data stream. Examples include fault events, user actions, information events, etc. This export provides a history of what has happened at the site.
- Communication: This portion of the data stream and export type provides complete information about the communication history for the site. Information here includes bytes sent, bytes received, modem type, signal strength, connection time, cellular carrier, data transfer type, etc. These data are useful to manage remote communications and data transfer.
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