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How many channels does SymphoniePRO have?

SymphoniePRO is available in two configurations which result in either 16 or 26 channels of capacity, allowing you to optimize your setup to match your campaign and budgetary needs. 

The 16-channel version (#11270) contains the following:

  • Eight (8) universal counter channels
  • Eight (8) analog channels, broken down as follows:
    • Three (3) Built-in channels: 0 to 5 V Analog; 2.5 or 5 V excitation; no P-SCMs required
    • Two (2) Built-in channels: 0 to 5 V Analog; 5 or 12 V excitation; no P-SCMs required
    • Three (3) P-SCM Channels: signal range dependent on individual P-SCM card

The 26-channel version (#8547) includes:

  • Twelve (12) universal counter channels
  • Fourteen (14) analog channels, broken down as follows:
    • Three (3) Built-in channels: 0 to 5 V Analog; 2.5 or 5 V excitation; no P-SCMs required
    • Four (4) Built-in channels: 0 to 5 V Analog; 5 or 12 V excitation; no P-SCMs required
    • Seven (7) P-SCM Channels: signal range dependent on individual P-SCM card
  • In addition, there are two RS-485 expansion ports for interfacing specialized sensors such as ultrasonic wind sensors. Special firmware may be required and you should contact our technical services team with questions about this option.

Download Calibration Reports

Our Calibration Report Retriever Tool is a comprehensive database of reports for the following products:

NRG Anemometers
110S Temperature Sensor
200M Wind Vane
200P Wind Vane
BP20 Barometric Pressure Sensor
BP60 + BP60C Barometric Pressure Sensor
HybridMC Anemometer + Vane
HybridXT Anemometer + Vane
PVT1 PV Temperature Sensor
T60 + T60C Temperature Sensor
R1 Pyranometer
R2 Pyranometer
RH5X Relative Humidity Sensor
Thies First Class Advanced Anemometer
WindSensor P2546-OPR Anemometer

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