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DataChips are completely blank

One possible way for this situation to occur is if the field technician powered up the 9200-Plus DataLogger with the DataChips installed and then neglected to press the start" button. It is a rare occurrence. When pressing start, you must check that the logger does indeed "log on" (refer to the manual for proper sequence) and does not return to program mode (4.1). Another more likely possibility is that there is a damaged DataChip socket on the logger which could prevent the logger from "logging on". The DataChip could have suffered from a forceful installation into the logger socket. Check very carefully the left DataChip socket on the logger for a socket pin that has been pushed back out of line. The DataChip has 28 pins which must contact the DataChip socket. If one does not make contact, it could prevent the logger from logging on. Check with a very close eye the bottom-most 4 or 5 pins along the left side of the DataChip socket. If one is pushed back out of line, use tweezers to gently bend it back and test for proper log on sequence with a DataChip. The proper log on sequence according to the 9200-PLUS’s instruction manual should be followed when starting the logger.


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