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Viewing Posts in "Sustainability + Energy"

John NRG SRM Feature 1

Bankability is a cornerstone term at NRG Systems and within the solar industry at large. With over 40 years of experience providing resource measurement solutions to the world’s largest renewable energy developers, NRG understands the critical role data plays in both establishing confidence in a solar plant’s future operational performance and delivering on that promise.

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Around this time last year, Renewable NRG Systems set a goal for ourselves and our industry of eventually powering our planet with 100% renewable energy. When we put these words down as our corporate vision, we knew clearly that it was the right goal, but we honestly had no sense for how and when we might collectively get there.

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Yesterday was Sunday, a perfect late summer day in Vermont. My wife and I went kayaking on Little Hosmer Pond in Craftsbury, a two kilometer long north south impoundment built in the 19th century to supply water power to a mill.

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