This October, Dave and Barry spent two weeks in China—a trip that brought them from Beijing to Nansan Island, Zhanjiang, Guangdong province and eventually to the Puding county, Anshun, Guizhou province in the country’s southwestern region. The purpose of the visit was two-fold: to install Hybrid XTs on two existing turbines in vastly differently environments, and to attend the 2016 China WindPower Conference.
Viewing Posts from 2016
The SymphoniePRO® Data Logger brings with it significant feature upgrades to an unparalleled legacy of purpose-built renewable energy data loggers.
RNRG’s own Principle Software Engineer, Rob Hale, was recently named an Executive Fellow of BTV Ignite—the Vermont arm of the US Ignite initiative, which aims to grow tech hubs around the country. In addition to his work at RNRG, Rob helped found the Vermont Code Camp and serves as the co-organizer of the Vermont Coders Connection as well as HackVT, the state’s annual hackathon.
As the first frost looms, now is the perfect time to consider Hybrid XT Turbine Control Sensors to ensure that your turbines continue to run smoothly, despite the icy ravages of winter.
RNRG has developed a goalpost mounting solution tailored for power performance testing. When used with our 80m XHD TallTower and standard 2.4m Side Mount Booms, the solution achieves full IEC compliance.
In the course of conversations with wind developers new to Lidar technology, a number of questions seem to come up regularly. Two very practical questions have to do with how WINDCUBE Lidars might affect overall wind resource assessment campaign duration and also whether frequent relocations of the device are warranted.
How many technicians does it take to install an anemometer?
Data matters. The accuracy, consistency, and yes, safety of measurement data keep many wind developers and analysts up at night. Customers often ask about the digital and physical security of RNRG instruments, so I sat down with Michael Fisher to get answers to the most common questions.
RNRG offers wind vane and anemometer retrofit kits for multiple turbines, including Mitsubishi, Siemens, GE, and Gamesa. Each kit includes a sensor, the cable and wiring needed for your application, and a mechanical mounting solution to fit the sensor to your turbine.
When the wind industry finally reacted to the world’s financial crisis—it didn’t fully hit us until 2010—at once, we lost both an incredibly vibrant global wind market and sufficiently robust profit margins. The market recovery is rebounding nicely now, but profit margins will probably never fully recover. This will have an enormous and continuing impact on R&D.