We recently welcomed Senator Peter Welch to the NRG headquarters in Hinesburg, Vermont. WCAX Vermont followed the Senator on his visit, which included a tour of the facility and address to employees.
We recently welcomed Senator Peter Welch to the NRG headquarters in Hinesburg, Vermont. WCAX Vermont followed the Senator on his visit, which included a tour of the facility and address to employees.
Thanks to its ongoing dedication to promoting health and wellness among employees, RNRG has been chosen to receive the prestigious Governor’s Excellence in Worksite Wellness Award for the fourth time in six years.
RNRG’s own Principle Software Engineer, Rob Hale, was recently named an Executive Fellow of BTV Ignite—the Vermont arm of the US Ignite initiative, which aims to grow tech hubs around the country. In addition to his work at RNRG, Rob helped found the Vermont Code Camp and serves as the co-organizer of the Vermont Coders Connection as well as HackVT, the state’s annual hackathon.
It was a breezy evening on Lake Champlain, and the sun was sinking behind the blue and gunmetal gray Adirondack Mountains. Inside the ECHO Science Center, we gathered at round tables to celebrate the 2013 Terry Ehrich Award for Excellence in Socially Responsible Business. Jan Blomstrann, Renewable NRG Systems' president and CEO, was the honoree.
Jan Albers, author of Hands on the Land: A History of the Vermont Landscape (MIT Press, 2000), teaches that the process of making decisions about human impact on the landscape is demanding, complex and continuous. She has written: “Landscapes do not just spring fully formed, from the earth.
In Vermont, there’s an old expression. “Welcome to Vermont, now please go away. ” I think it was taught to me by my grandfather, a gruff longtime resident of Jericho. He espoused the same attitude about visitors to his property, even towards his young “uncivilized” (his words) grandsons.
I joined the wind energy industry in 2007 with the belief that my work would help shape the future of our world’s, nation’s, and state’s energy landscape. I was right on two fronts. Installed capacity of wind energy has almost tripled in the U. S.
August 29,2011. It’s a beautiful late summer day in the Mad River Valley, 72 degrees, white puffy clouds and a cool breeze. I’m stranded at my home on Rice Mountain in Warren, Vermont after my driveway washed out in the worst flooding since 1927.
We know how much it matters to free up a spare bedroom, couch, or corner of our homes for family or friends when they’re in need.
My work at NRG Systems is purely international. I work with customers in China, India and other countries on a daily basis. When I travel to conferences or visit customers, it always involves crossing multiple time zones. As I tell people, “I don’t do short flights.