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Viewing Posts in "Leadership"

offshore wind turbines

When the wind industry finally reacted to the world’s financial crisis—it didn’t fully hit us until 2010—at once, we lost both an incredibly vibrant global wind market and sufficiently robust profit margins. The market recovery is rebounding nicely now, but profit margins will probably never fully recover. This will have an enormous and continuing impact on R&D.

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It was a breezy evening on Lake Champlain, and the sun was sinking behind the blue and gunmetal gray Adirondack Mountains. Inside the ECHO Science Center, we gathered at round tables to celebrate the 2013 Terry Ehrich Award for Excellence in Socially Responsible Business. Jan Blomstrann, Renewable NRG Systems' president and CEO, was the honoree.

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This past week, we rolled out the rebranding of NRG Systems to “Renewable NRG Systems.” Along with a company name change, we also have a new vision and mission, logo, and corporate colors. It’s a lot of change all at one time. Everyone is asking why and what does it all mean?

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