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Viewing Posts from 2011

As the mother of one young child and another on the way, I’ve been following the debate about childhood vaccination and autism quite closely. Earlier this month we learned that the work of Andrew Wakefield, the British researcher who posited a link between autism and childhood vaccination, was fraudulent.

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I believe it was Winston Churchill who, when complimented on one of his witty, apparently spontaneous ripostes, said that people would be surprised by how much time it took to prepare his comments. I can relate. In my world control is the goal. We financial people use historical information to forecast what we believe is going to happen over the short, medium, and long term. We do not like surprises and, often to our children's annoyance, avoid unplanned action. Whilst this controlled environment has its advantages, it can hamper creativity — and creativity is what leads to new products, which leads to growth and profitability.

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A recent trip to Beijing for the China Wind Power 2010 conference offered me the rare opportunity to reflect back on the future of the wind energy industry. You may have had that sensation of deja vu, the sudden realization you have seen a specific scene before, but the strength of the sensation on this trip was rare for me, and humbling.

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When the idea of doing a company blog was initially raised, I remember my immediate reaction, “How am I going to make time for this?” Time I now realize that just about a year ago I stood in front of a Women of Wind Energy group in San Francisco telling them the importance of talking and writing about what you do. Let me set the scene…

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