July 12, 2018 | by NRG Team Voices | Lean Manufacturing + Supply Chain, NRG Systems News

After self-certifying to the ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Standard back in April, NRG is proud to announce that it has also updated its Quality Management certification to the latest edition – ISO 9001:2015. This particular standard is heavily rooted in the customer experience and requires that we demonstrate our ability to provide products and services that meet our customers’ needs.

Relationship7There are a number of differences between this ISO standard and the last iteration, namely:

  • A greater emphasis on continuous improvement
  • The need to review risks and opportunities throughout our business, and how to mitigate those risks
  • Required processes for service offerings that are comparable to those of our physical products (e.g., New Service Introduction process and other supporting processes throughout the entire value stream)
  •  Increased attention on employee competence and training to mitigate knowledge gaps

Louis Prue, NRG’s Quality Manager, said, “ISO 9001:2015 focuses very strongly on customer satisfaction, especially after the sale. This means we are constantly working to get feedback from the customer to ensure they are satisfied and that our products and services are doing what they need them to do.”

Our updated ISO status is more than just a certification to us – it speaks to our dedication to making our customers’ lives easier by continually improving everything from our products and services to our internal processes, so that we can better serve their evolving needs and those of our industry.

If you have questions about this new ISO standard or our Quality Management Systems, please email Louis at lhp@nrgsystems.com.

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