January 6, 2016 | by Pearse Corcoran | Miscellaneous

1. RNRG only sells resource assessment products.
Actually, we serve multiple stages of energy project development, from site assessment to commercial operation. In addition to comprehensive wind and solar resource assessment tools, we also sell turbine control sensors, , and nacelle-mounted Lidar technology.
2. RNRG only does business in North America.
With customers in over 150 countries, you can find RNRG products all over the world. While a large portion of our products are deployed in the United States, the majority of our sales are international. We have regional offices and repair centers in South America, India, China, and Europe. Curious to learn more? Send us a note at sales@rnrgsystems.com.
3. RNRG manufactures wind turbines.
No, wind turbines are not part of our product mix, although we do manufacture turbine control sensors and condition monitoring systems for wind turbines. We also manufacture and sell equipment for wind and solar prospecting.
4. RNRG is funded by the government.
Since our founding more than 30 years ago, RNRG has been 100% privately owned. We do not directly benefit from government subsidies.
5. RNRG manufactures products in a traditional facility.
Actually, we make a strong effort to keep our operations as green as possible. Our headquarters and manufacturing facility in Vermont is LEED Gold Certified, and we strive to use materials efficiently, compost, and recycle. Onsite, we have 149 kW of solar power and a small 10 kW wind turbine.
6. RNRG is based in Canada… or part of New York.
We sometimes hear confusion about where exactly our headquarters is located. We are based in the northeast corner of the United States in Vermont, the fourteenth state to be added to the U.S.
6.5. We drink maple syrup instead of coffee.
Vermont makes the best maple syrup in North America (according to us). But we still rely heavily on coffee to kick butt and produce quality equipment.