Upgrading SymphoniePRO Logger and iPack Firmware
SymphoniePRO logger and iPack firmware can be upgraded in person via USB or remotely through a MetLink connection. Note that upgrading firmware via MetLink will use cellular/satellite data.
Before proceeding we recommend making sure SymphoniePRO Desktop Application is up to date. This can be checked quickly by opening the application, clicking the Help drop down menu in the upper right-hand corner of the screen and selecting Application Updates.
Before upgrading over MetLink:
The logger will be disconnected from the software when the firmware update is complete. If both the logger and iPack need updating, change the MetLink Logger Listening schedule to continuous before doing the logger upgrade. This will make the system accessible after the logger upgrade:
Upgrading Logger Firmware:
1. Connect to the Logger via USB or MetLink and navigate to the Logger tab.
2. Select “Upgrade Logger Firmware” and press “Browse…”.
3. Choose the latest data logger firmware (8348_SymPRO-Logger_vx.x.x.ifw) and click Open.
4. Click “Start Upgrade” and the process will start.
Once the logger upgrade is complete the system will be disconnected from the software and will reset.
Upgrading iPack Firmware:
1. Connect to the Logger via USB or MetLink and navigate to the iPack tab.
2. Select “Upgrade iPack Firmware” and press “Browse…”.
3. Choose the latest data logger firmware (8553_iPackGPS_SymPRO_2.3.0.ifw) and click Open.
4. Click “Start Upgrade” and the process will start.
Once the upgrade is complete the iPack will be disconnected from the software and will reset.
Change MetLink Schedule back to original settings:
If the MetLink Listening Schedule was changed to Continuous, change it back to the previously set listening schedule to conserve battery power:
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Download Calibration Reports
Our Calibration Report Retriever Tool is a comprehensive database of reports for the following products:
NRG Anemometers
110S Temperature Sensor
200M Wind Vane
200P Wind Vane
BP20 Barometric Pressure Sensor
BP60 + BP60C Barometric Pressure Sensor
HybridMC Anemometer + Vane
HybridXT Anemometer + Vane
PVT1 PV Temperature Sensor
T60 + T60C Temperature Sensor
R1 Pyranometer
R2 Pyranometer
RH5X Relative Humidity Sensor
Thies First Class Advanced Anemometer
WindSensor P2546-OPR Anemometer
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