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Typical setup and power requirements for IceFree3 heated sensors

A typical NRG IceFree3 package would include the following:

(1) - IceFree3 Electrically Heated Anemometer (Part No. 2448)
(1) - Transformer – IceFree Sensors 120/240 - 12/24VAC (Part No. 2218)
(1) - 2C Sensor Cable - Power Cable Kit (Part No. will depend upon what cable length is required).
(1) - Mounting Boom - 3/4" IPT - single sided - includes in kit Universal Mounting Bracket (UMB) and U-Bolts for mounting to 3.5", 4.5" or 6.0" diameter NRG TallTowers (Part No. 2049).

Grid source of power is required; units accept 24VAC; minimum power is 30 watts CONTINUAL (must remain "on" at all times to maintain accuracy and proper performance). Maximum power consumption is 200W; 150W is typical in below-freezing conditions.


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NRG Anemometers
110S Temperature Sensor
200M Wind Vane
200P Wind Vane
BP20 Barometric Pressure Sensor
BP60 + BP60C Barometric Pressure Sensor
HybridMC Anemometer + Vane
HybridXT Anemometer + Vane
PVT1 PV Temperature Sensor
T60 + T60C Temperature Sensor
R1 Pyranometer
RH5X Relative Humidity Sensor
Thies First Class Advanced Anemometer
WindSensor P2546-OPR Anemometer

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