WindSensor P2546-OPR Anemometer: Wiring and Installation Information
The purpose of this document is to explain the differences between the two versions of the WindSensor P2546-OPR anemometer as well as address the different wiring schemes and power requirements. Boom options and a drawing with physical dimensions of the sensor can be found at the end of the document.
There are currently two available models of the P2546-OPR anemometer, the P2546A-OPR and the P2546C-OPR. The P2546A-OPR uses a mercury-wetted reed switch to produce pulses as the anemometer head spins. This version of the sensor works as a digital anemometer and requires either a 5v or 12v excitation voltage (depending on the wiring).
The P2546C-OPR uses a coil to produce a low level AC sine wave. This version of the sensor has a frequency-based output similar to #40C and NRG Class 1 anemometers and does not require excitation voltage.
From the standpoint of measuring the wind speed, the performance of the two anemometer versions is identical.
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